Friday, February 24, 2017

Teen Yoga Mandalas

A mandala is a sacred circle. I love to create mandalas in my teen yoga classess to encourage teamwork and community building.  Here are some photographs and descriptions of mandalas I practice with my teen yoga students: 

Reclined Hero Mandala:
Students form a circle seated on their knees with feet beside the hips (if this is uncomfortable, sit on a block). Use the hands to support the weight of the body as you slowly lower the back of the body toward the earth.  Some students might rest on their elbows, some might make it all the way to the floor.  Stay for 5-10 breaths. 

Balansana Mandala:
Students come knee to knee to form a circle.  Gently bow into the center of the circle and relax arms and hands at your side.  Take a few smooth deep breaths letting the pace of the breath slow down and they try to match your breath with the people around you.

Group flower mandala:
Students will form a circle and come into butterfly pose with the soles of the feet together and the knees wide apart.  Grabbing the soles of their feet, they will start to tilt back until they find balance on the hip bones. Staying balanced, they will reach their hands under their calves and lift their hearts.  Variations include: drawing the finders into a mudra, grasping hands with the people next to them, and tilting the gaze up to the ceiling. 

Easy Mandala:
All students lie on their bellies in a circle with arms outstretched and hands touching the person next to them.  This is a calming pose, so encourage students to feel the floor beneath them and feel the breath coming and going using very little effort.

Cobra Mandala:
Students come into a circle shape on their bellies, hand to hand with the person next to them.  Pressing both hands into the floor, students will lift their chest into a cobra or upward facing dog pose and try to match their breath with the person next to them. 

Belly Star:
Students lie in a circle on their bellies in the middle of the room, grabbing the hand of the person next to them.  They will slowly start to scooch back until everyone’s arms are fully outstretched in a v position, forming a human star. Relax, breathe deeply. 

Dukha Mandala:

Students form a circle knees to knee, seated on their heels with their toes tucked underneath them. Place the hands on the knees and gently lift the heart. This is an intense stretch for the soles of the feet, so encourage students that as they feel more sensation in their feet to deepen the breath.  Stay 30 seconds- 1 min.

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